When we became witches

Written by Colloredo Sabina
Illustrated by Visintin Fabio

  • Novel with illustrations
  • Age group: 13 and up
  • Pages: 240
  • Format: 14 x 21 cm
  • RP: 12.50 euros

Franchetta wanders from town to town in 16th century Europe, following her mother Lucetta, a famous healer on the run from the Inquisition. When her destiny intersects with Devina’s, she finally discovers the value of friendship and begins to wonder who she would like to become. From their first falling in love to the Sabbath experience, the two girls share a journey of growth that will lead them to the choice of being free and independent. But Devina has a dark and destructive side, which sometimes degenerates into witchcraft and overwhelms everyone around her…

“The owl that came to us every night perched on the birch and let out a shrill cry. I winced. It was a cry of alarm. It turned its eyes towards me and flapped its wings. I watched as Devina fumbled with the latch of the door. The mass of blond hair shone coolly under the moon and made her look like a goddess. The owl hooted again. Then I understood. She was warning me about her. From Devina. My first and only friend. My persecutor.”

From the same author
