The Young Napoleon

Written by Ferrero Ernesto

  • Novel
  • Age group: 10 and up
  • Pages: 128
  • Format: 14 x 21 cm
  • RP: 12.50 euros

“And you, what child were you?” Prompted at St Helena by little Betsy, Napoleon recounts his childhood. He talks about his name that made his classmates laugh. Of the Italian surname that French people did not like. Of the tribe of brothers and sisters. Of his mother’s courage and his father’s dreams. And of how he prepared, as a boy, to become emperor and change the course of history.

“It seemed to me that Paris had been built by giants. Everything I had seen until then seemed so small, like my sisters’ dollhouse. I was like a drunk, always with my nose in the air, and I had to be careful not to get run over by carriages” .
