The Walkers

Writtern and illustrated by Babé Léa

  • Picture Book
  • Age group: 4 and up
  • Pages: 40
  • Format: 18 x 24 cm
  • Hardcover
  • RP: 15 euros

Mia lives in a small mountain village. From her house, she watches the hikers go by during the night and secretly dreams of joining them. One evening, it’s decided: she gathers her best friends and they set off under the starry sky. But Mia and her friends soon realise that the hikers are in a hurry and that they are there just to reach the summit. Since Mia and her little group prefer to take their time they decide to take a different route. They discover that it’s not the destination of the hike that’s important, but the route taken and the good times shared.
