The Impossible Gifts
Written by
Ecormier Joëlle
Illustrated by
Gambini Cecile
- Picture Book
- Age group: 5 and up
- Pages: 32
- Format: 24 x 17 cm
- Hardcover
- RP: 14 euros
Auntie Herminie has left Réunion to meet Santa Claus in Lapland! Her aim: to get an explanation for the unfulfilled presents from the whimsical little Camille…
In a series of e-mails, she shares a wealth of colourful information and attaches drawings. Between ‘herminie@globe-trotteuse.dechute’ and ‘camille@iledelareunion.fixe’, the exchanges compete in tenderness, humour and poetry… Santa Claus has the last word!
With beautiful illustrations typical of Cécile Gambini’s style, using cut-outs and collages and tender, sensitive details to create a shimmering, colourful world.