The Days of Everyday Life

Writtern and illustrated by Delerm Martine

  • Picture Book
  • Age group: 3 and up
  • Pages: 28
  • Format: 23,5 x 30,5 cm
  • Hardcover
  • RP: coming soon - this title will be published on November 2024

Ah, these days of everyday life! Those days that are neatly arranged on the calendar, those days that start with a simple hello, a “Comment ça va?”, all those days that follow one another and yet don’t resemble one another.
To our delight, Martine Delerm lists and enumerates them, all these days of simple joys; let them drip slowly onto your tongue so you don’t forget the taste!

Martine Delerm’s unmistakable style and pen never fail to charm.
