Maud West. Lady Detective. A Matryoshka of Mysteries

Written by Stipari Lucia , Gatti Alessandro , Baccalario Pierdomenico

  • Novel
  • Age group: 10 and up
  • Pages: 308
  • Format: 15 x 21 cm
  • Hardcover
  • RP: 16.50 euros

For all fans of Sherlock, Enola Holmes, Lupin and Lidia Poët: an irresistible new detective!
One more step and I felt something press against my back. The bony finger of death? The tip of a knife? The barrel of a gun? I jumped with fright and turned, stifling a scream…”
LONDON, 1920. “Another inconsolable countess,” grumbles Max Finch in the office of Europe’s first and only Lady Detective: the unpredictable Maud West.
And he’s wrong. The case, which Maud readily accepts, will take them into the less-frequented corridors of the House of Lords, into a terrifying underground gambling den and, finally, catapult them into the heart of a dangerous international intrigue much bigger than they are. That’s when they meet Wild Maggie. And as soon as Maggie looks you straight in the eye, with all her freckles, well…. that’s when it all really begins.
*The Maud West – Lady Detective series is the work of three authors, Pierdomenico Baccalario, Alessandro Gatti and Lucia Stipari, who have signed this collective work under the pseudonym Max Finch.

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