Maud West. Lady detective. A cathedral of cobwebs

Written by Stipari Lucia , Gatti Alessandro , Baccalario Pierdomenico

  • Novel
  • Age group: 10 and up
  • Pages: 356
  • Format: 15 x 21 cm
  • Hardcover
  • RP: 16.50

For all fans of Sherlock, Enola Holmes, Lupin and Lidia Poët :
an irresistible new detective!
“The shot roared down the corridor, as loud as thunder, and split the night.
I heard something fly by my ear. And it was no angel.
LIVERPOOL, 1920. With his new hat on, Finch invites Maggie to the cinema. But she doesn’t like love stories and prefers to immerse herself in Maud West’s new mission. The request comes from Lucy Colburn, the Prime Minister’s right-hand woman. Leaving Maggie on guard at Albion House, Maud and Finch must take the night train to Liverpool, intercept a passenger off the SS Triton and retrieve a mysterious briefcase before anyone else does. The only thing is, that someone is far more dangerous than they are, and will do anything – anything at all – to succeed.
*The Maud West – Lady Detective series is the work of three writers, Pierdomenico Baccalario, Alessandro Gatti and Lucia Stipari, who have signed this collective work under the pseudonym Max Finch.

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