Fixing My Parents

Written by Goudreault David
Illustrated by Cormier France

  • Picture Book
  • Age group: 4 and up
  • Pages: 36
  • Format: 20 x 25 cm
  • Hardcover
  • RP: Canadian $ 22,95

The Book

The parents of Coco and Télé are separating. Is it an easy process? Nope, and we’ll tell you why…

From the publisher

David Goudreault’s children’s book debut is an event! This book serves up an expert blend of empathy and humor.

Keywords: separation, brothers, sisters, family

For teachers: The interplay between words and pictures provides fertile topics for discussion.

The Writer

David Goudreault is a writer, social worker, and father.

The Illustrator

Since graduating from the University of Montreal’s landscape engineering school, France Cormier has made her way in the worlds of art and design. She has been drawing ever since she can remember, wearing her pencils down to a nub in elementary school instead of playing with dolls. In her initial career as a landscape architect, she conceived and designed several parks, gardens, and public spaces. Nature and art fascinate her. Gradually, the desire to depict daily life and stage scenes with characters drove her toward a second career, in illustration, to which she now devotes all her time, drawing big adventures for little kids. She published Tellement sauvage! [So Wild!] with d’Eux in 2019 and Il ne faut pas mettre les enfants au congélateur [Don’t Put Kids in the Freezer] in 2021.

From the same author

From the same illustrator
