Fire in the woods

Written by Colloredo Sabina
Illustrated by Not Sara

  • Novel with illustrations
  • Age group: 9 and up
  • Pages: 144
  • Format: 14 x 21 cm
  • RP: 11.50

Olivia and Zoe spend their summer holidays at the Twisted Oak House with their American cousins Devin and Luca. One day, a fire breaks out in the surrounding hills and consumes the forest in a matter of hours. While the mothers panic and the older cousins discuss what to do, the two youngest discover that the pine forest by the sea is also in danger of being destroyed by fire. There is very little time left to stop the fire and save the plants and animals, but they have an unsuspected friend on their side…
“The old oak knew that the wolves and wild boar had managed to escape. The deer and roe deer had also escaped. But the whole population of hares, squirrels, marmots, porcupines and martens that it loved so much had disappeared. It was a massacre… The children would have taken justice into their own hands.

From the same author

From the same illustrator
