Alva stole the stars

Written by Amodio Marino
Illustrated by Del Vecchio Vincenzo

  • Picture Book
  • Age group: 5 and up
  • Pages: 44
  • Format: 23 x 32.30 cm
  • Hardcover
  • RP: 19,90 euros

“Have you ever wondered where the stars go when they fall? Here, I know! Listen to my story…”
Alva goes from village to village in the company of two bears to spread his incredible invention. Arriving in the main square on a wagon adorned with illuminations, the street vendor tells the audience how, as a young man, he managed to trap stars in small jars. And so, while the cities become populated with ultra-modern light bulbs, the sky becomes increasingly empty and dark…
A reflection full of awe and wonder on the conflict between poetry, nature and progress.

From the same illustrator
