Mallard Jean

Jean Mallard was born in Paris in 1997. A fan of Moebius’ comics and Miyazaki’s films, he soon fell in love with drawing, and since then, the twain have never parted. In 2015, he attended the École des Arts Décoratifs (EnsAD) in Paris, where he studied comics, animation, silkscreening, and engraving. Ever since childhood, his favorite media have been watercolors and gouache, which he uses to create boundless, boundlessly accessible world for readers of all ages, taking inspiration from popular Russian painters, Indian miniatures, Japanese prints, and painter Henri Rousseau. In 2019, he moved to Naples, where he made a series of illustrations that gave rise to his very first solo show, “Via Miracoli.” His drawings were featured at the Illustrators Exhibition of the Bologna Children’s Book Fair in 2018 and 2020, as well as at Angoulême in 2019. In 2019, he received the top prize at the Bologna Book Fair [and in 2021, created the Book Fair’s visual identity].