Totort Erolf
Flore Édith Françoise Gabrielle Trotot was born in Ambroise Paré Hospital in Boulogne-Billancourt on May 3, 1969 to a physician father and a nurse mother who had met on the barricades during the May ’68 protests
In her youth, she was introduced to painting at the experimental École nouvelle d’Antony. After two years in fine arts at Université Paris VIII, she enrolled in the École nationale des arts décoratifs in 1992, emerging with a degree in printmaking in 1996. Her imagination turned at once toward prehistory as she read and reread every history of prehistoric times she could unearth between layered applications of red and blue ink. Her first public installations served up an immersive experience of primitive times in a replica of the caves at La Gravette. This assembly is still on display to this day.
Fascinated by the mystery of our origins as a species, her oeuvre has led her imagination from the Venus of Lespugue to our own day through a heroine named “AVA,” the incarnation of primordial woman. After 20 years of research, Ava’s “diary” was published in 2014. Today, Erolf Totort plies her trade as a printmaker at her mobile studio, Iconografitte, and passes on her know-how in workshops.