Writtern and illustrated by Paulhiac Nathalie
- Picture Book
- Age group: 1 and up
- Pages: 32
- Format: 17 x 17 cm
- Hardcover
- RP: 13 €
This picture book for early readers takes its inspiration from the nursery rhyme “My Little Bunny is Hiding in the Garden.” Written in rhythmic rhyming couplets with regular refrains, backed by spare, pared-down linework for the bunnies, to contrast them with the more detailed depicts of vegetables. A lively, playful book that will give infants hours of amusement looking for the bunny in various pictures and saying onomatopoeic sound words out loud. A new version aimed at the youngest ages.
This book was distributed for free to Belgian newborns in 2020 and 2021 as part of Operation La Fureur de lire and Plan Lecture [A Passion for Reading and A Plan for Reading] with support from the Office de la Naissance et de l’Enfance [Bureau for Birth and Childhood].
Nathalie Paulhiac traveled from her France to Brussels to study illustration at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts. Her playful, poetic universe is made up of bits of cut-out paper, unintended smudges, and colored backgrounds. She lives and works in Brussels, where she divides her time between illustration and running creative workshops for children. For A pas de loups, she has illustrated Le mur [The Wall] and Ugo, tu rêves ?[Are You Dreaming, Hugo?]