The Magic Village

Written by Dayre Valérie , Leterrier Pierre

  • Novel
  • Age group: 7 and up
  • Pages: 240
  • Format: 13,5 x 21,5 cm
  • RP: 21

Welcome to Breuzan, in the region of Berry, the green heart of France. In other words, a village in the middle of nowhere! Three hundred people, three times as many cows, a few back-to-the-land types… and a tragedy. Accident, or murder?

Nina, a young Parisian come for a bit of solitude, distance, and comfort after a nasty incident on social media, becomes pen pals with an elderly writer, exploring possible scenarios and hypotheses involving, by turns, a poacher-taxidermiste, an erudite farmer, a lewd man-about-town, a few mildly philosophical and rumormongering farmers’ wives, and more!

Valérie Dayre, writer of the picture book L’Ogresse en pleurs (The Ogress in Tears; Milan, 1996), the novel Tous les hommes qui sont ici (All the Men Right Here; L’atelier du poisson soluble, 2006), and over fifteen more titles from L’École des loisirs, has already co-written two novels with Pierre Leterrier from Éditions La Joie de lire. Together, they have concocted a new intrigue full of twists, turns, and tangles.

From the same author

From the same author
